Saturday, April 23, 2011

Open Arms

I realize that I haven't yet mentioned this on my blog. While we are in Guguletu we will be working with Open Arms to deliver food parcels to families. Open Arms is an organization in Minneapolis that makes 75% of the meals for an individual who is suffering from cancer, AIDS, MS, and other serious illnesses and the dependents of this person as well. They raise money throughout the year to provide food parcels for families in Guguletu. While we are there we're going to spend one day compiling all of the food parcels that have been purchased and deliver them to those who need them most. We also are the main fundraisers to purchase the food parcels. There is going to be a bake sale in Coffman on this upcoming Wednesday, and Catherine and I are setting up an online store to sell shirts. 
Of course one of the fastest ways to raise money is from donations. Each food parcel costs $50 and will then feed one family of 7 for one month. If you are interested in helping the best way to purchase a food parcel is to do it online at the open arms website.  Under "Donation Information" click the circle that says "Food Parcel-South Africa" and in the comments section please indicate that this is for the U of M group. Although $50 is the amount for one food parcel, you can donate any amount. 
Last thing is to keep your eyes open. I'll be posting the link for the shirts we are selling both here and on Facebook in the next couple of days!