Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So last night we landed at Cape Town International Airport. It was sort of creepy because there was nobody there except for hundereds of police officers. Granted that it was fairly late at night, I'm still not used to going to an airport and finding it completly empty of people and full of police. The food on the flight was good but I slept for a chunck of this flight much to my dismay and am now suffering slightly from jetlag. I fell asleep half way through watching Megamind and then I watched No Strings Attached. I played solitare about 200 times but only one once. I also colored a little bit in my coloring books and watched a little bit of tv.

Once we got to our lodge we had we a fun time because Kelsey, Chealse and I were put in the smallest lodge which we rightfully called the Harry Potter room. The shower was also a crazy expereince because it went from super hot to super cold and back and forth repeatedly. I'm  hoping it was just because so many of us were taking a shower at the same time but I have my doubts about that.

We took a bus tour this morning after our introduction class and it's beautiful here! It's supposed to rain today and tomorrow but we've lucked out and it has only really misted so far. Only downside is we haven't been able to see the top of table mountain yet. I don't mind that though because then you can just imagine it to be unbelieveably tall! The bus tour showed us a lot of really cool things like the new stadium, the beach houses, the colorful houses, different views of the mountains and more. I took a ton of pictures, but I realized that it will be a bit more challenging for me to upload them onto my blog and it may have to wait till I get to Amsterdam where the internet is free. Right now I'm in an internet cafe and it's 5rand for 30mins. So a little less than $1 which isn't bad but I'm using their computer not mine and I can't hook my camera up to it.

We also got cell phones the other night so we could text home and let family know that were safe and sound in Cape Town. We only get ten text messages though and since incoming messages count towards the ten I informed my mom in the text to not respond back. That may sound sketch and thats why I'm posting it here also. Some people keep telling me that they feel like they're still in Minneapolis but that's definitly not me. I can't believe were here and everything is super different from back in MN and WI. They drive on the other side of the road and I get frusterated everytime I have to get in the car and go to the wrong side lol. Also I have a palm tree in my front yard. That would never happen back home so deffinitly feeling like I'm in South Africa.

We didn't do to much today so that way we can try and get over our jetlag, but I'm super excited for what tomorrow and the rest of the next 3 weeks brings! Also sorry about the spelling but in Amsterdam the spell check switched to Dutch so all my words were "wrong" and now I'm in a hurry to go so I'm again not going to spell check.