Sunday, May 22, 2011


We just landed in the Netherlands and I thought it was important to say that I quite enjoyed our pilot! It wasn't that he was trying to be funny but he just was in the way he phrased things. We had a little bit of a rough start, litterally. The plane was going through a ton of turbulance over Canada so we got permission to go to a higher altitude. We also had a bit of a delay when it came to take off because there was a tornado 20 miles away from the airport and then we also had change take off direction a little bit and even though I didn't know that a volcano was going off in Iceland people on the plane were quite concerned so the pilot was telling us that we weren't going near that. I also got a sweet picture I'll upload later of the sunset in the air!

While on the flight I watched 3 movies: Black Swan, Life as we know it, and Tangled. An episode of the Office, I played solitare for half an hour and some sort of trivia game and I lost to George (Catherine) Gary and Gert but I always beat YY lol. 

I had to watch Tangled because my sister told me how great it was so long ago but I didn't see it. Now I did. 

Well I get free internet in the airport but only for half an hour so I have to get off now before it trys to start charging me. We have a couple hours to wait and I'm super excited to celebrate my 20th birthday 35,000 some feet in the air!!!!! I genuiouly do love airports and planes and so I am seriously excited about this!

Sorry about spelling I obviously need to sleep now