Friday, May 20, 2011


Tomorrow I head back to Minneapolis and then after that I head to South Africa! It still hasn't really hit me yet that I'm actually going to Africa, but that's probably because I haven't actually really started packing. Were supposed to post often on here as part of our assignment and as a way to reflect so now that the trip is  starting I suggest you check back often. I travel a lot and so my biggest concerns right now are still mostly logistical ones like my computer, money, everyone getting to the airport on time and hoping that there are no delays. Now lots of people have opinions for me, most of them about safety, but for what ever reason this really just isn't a concern in my mind at all right now.

Right now I'm just super excited! One of my friends went to South Africa about a year ago and she showed me some of the pictures she took and it looks amazing. I also can't wait to see the animals! Shark diving is on my list of things to do and some of us were also talking about going sky diving. The history, the penguins on the beach! Just super excited!! This is also going to be my first time celebrating my birthday out of the country!

Now I really want to thank everyone who helped us by donating money to open arms for us so that way we can deliver food parcels to families affected by HIV/AIDS. The shirts we were selling alone made about $350!