Monday, June 27, 2011

Late response

I deffinitly wanted to post a long time ago. I had hoped that while in Amsterdam I could post a quick little post about what I had felt I learned and if there were any fears or anything about coming back to the states. Unfortunately on the flight from Cape Town to Amsterdam they didn't have me regesitered as a vegetarian and when I refused to eat chicken the flight attendent felt bad and went to the back. Once back there they put crackers, cookies, mentos, all the random little snack items they feed you on a plane on a plate and gave me that. Then in Amsterdam I was freaking out because some who went to go and get coffee were really pushing it when it came to time.

Some time on the plane between Minneapolis to Milwaukee I feel asleep and when I woke up my nose was running like no tomorrow. I was just passing it off as 28hours with no sleep, but that ended up not being what it was. When I got to Green Bay I was just so happy to finally be off a plane and with family. My runny nose and everything got worse. Then when that finally started to get better my throat got worse. For about a week when I talked I sounded like a guy teen who was going through puberty. My throat would crack in middle of sentences and at work I would get dirty looks from customers who clearly knew I wasn't healthy and didn't like that I was touching their food. I work at a grocery store. Then I was deaf because of ear infections.

Now 2 weeks later I am finally feeling 85%. Every now and again my voice does one of those cracks though and sometimes it feels like I have a piece of sand in my throat and I can't cough it away. I think being sick made it actually harder for me to readjust back to the states and everything. I just wanted to sleep all the time and so I didn't really see anyone to talk about my travels. Also when people do ask How was your trip they usually just want a quick good or okay or bad answer then nod and continue on. After getting a few pressuring texts/posts from fellow travelers I uploaded all my pics on facebook but now my whole family has looked at them while I was still sleeping away and feel like they know enough about what I did.

Much to my surprise my hardest part has been listening to what other peoples opinions are about South Africa and not being able to get through to them that their stereotypes aren't true. This has been such a challenge with some people that I actually just stop trying and nod my head. I have to go to work but I felt like I needed to do a quick post.