Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Something" Together, Lovely!

Today we got up early and went to Robben Island. We took one to the island that prisoners were once brought on. It’s always awesome to me getting to see the city from different angles, and the mountain. I filled my quota of about 20 pics of it today. What I didn’t know is that there is so much more on the island then just the prison. I had an Alcatraz sort of thought in my mind; one island and one prison nothing else. It actually has different military things, a school, homes, a church, and obviously the prison. It’s also home to wild animals like ostriches, springbok and is the 7th largest penguin colony. We saw a warning penguin crossing sign, and I just love that wild animals here are penguins not bears! The tour of the prison wasn’t really what I was expecting either. We had a former political prisoner showing us around inside and to the different wards/sections. Others had told me that the experience was going to be really moving and sad, but I didn’t really get that all that much. He didn’t tell us to much about himself or what happened to him or others around him, just what room this was used for, and what room this was used for, and who walked in this hallway. Not that was bad, just not what I was expecting. We also got to see the cell that Mandela was kept in.

After we were done we went back to the waterfront, which is just shops, restaurants, and a giant ferries wheel. We had lunch at a super offensive resturant. The food was decent, it was only offensive because the theme was Native American, and the way they were portraying it was just so wrong. We were given almost 3 hours to just wander around until pick up so that’s what we did. I bought a shirt for my bro that hopefully fits, a painting for myself from my new “best friend” and really regret not buying a springbok from build a bear like Cat did.